I thank MSNBC. On Saturday, March 24, it showed the young people’s March For Our Lives with no commercial interruption.

Those young people have strong and powerful voices and are not afraid to speak out. I look forward to seeing them someday take over the U.S. Congress and the presidency.

One spoke of “coming together, as Americans. Not as Republicans or Democrats, not as a politician, but as an American.” Another was quoted as saying “We cannot keep America great if we cannot make America safe.” An 18-year-old from Maryland said “politicians lack compassion to act.”

Military guns and assault rifles should not be available to the general public. No one is against the Second Amendment. Many are against guns for war — guns that were not even thought of when the Second Amendment was written.

One student commented that “this is only the beginning and not the end.” The chant was “Vote them out,” which I totally agree with.

The young people have done good work. They are the future, and I hope they are never afraid to speak out. They must stay strong and keep America strong and free. This is one nation under God, and that includes all Americans. The color of someone’s skin should never be an issue.

Beverly Spofford, Hebron

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