LIVERMORE FALLS — The annual meeting of the Livermore Falls Library Association was held March 12 in the Treat Memorial Library under the leadership of President Pat Allen.

All seven trustees were present, as well as the three library employees. The library director’s report was accepted unanimously. The report contained extensive statistics on library usage, showing that the number of registered patrons and the circulation increased over last year. Regular programs such as pre-school story time, the LEGO Club, the knit and crochet group and an adult book discussion group continue to be popular, while a Facebook page keeps everyone informed of events.

Trustees re-elected to a three-year term were Pat Allen and Deb Coffin. Two more trustees are still needed to complete the board.

Officers were re-elected as follows: president, Pat Allen; vice president, Sue Chretien; treasurer, Clayton Putnam; and secretary, Lynn Knight. Myra Rosenbaum was re-appointed library director.

The format of the summer reading program may change this year as the staff considers ways to make the program more appealing to children and their families. Typically far more children enroll than finish.

The public computers were replaced last year, and two new computers are requested for staff use.

Ideas for fundraising centered on sponsoring a performing group, such as an improv or a different type of comedy group. The town provides for eight hours a week of janitorial services, which include both indoor and outdoor needs. This is not always enough.

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