LEWISTON — A Wednesday night talk by a climate scientist-turned-whistleblower against the Trump Administration has been moved to a larger space.

Joe Clement, who grew up in Maine and is the former director of Policy Analysis at the U.S. Department of Interior, will speak at 7 p.m. at the Bates College’s Olin Center, 75 Russell St.

The talk has been moved from the Edmund Muskie Archives to handle a larger crowd.

Clement’s talk is titled “The Trump’s Administrations War on Climate Policy: A View from a Whistleblower Who Is Speaking Out.”

Clement quit his job in the Interior Department after speaking out about the dangers climate change poses to Alaska’s native communities, and was reassigned to an accounting position to prompt him to leave, he has said.

The talk is sponsored by Bates’ Harward Center for Community Partnerships, the National Resource of Maine, the Maine Conservation Voters and Conservation Law Foundation.

The public is welcome.

Joel Clement will speak on “The Trump Administration’s War on Climate Policy: A View from a Whistleblower Who Is Speaking Out” at 7 p.m. Wednesday at Bates College’s Olin Arts Center. (Photo/Liz Lynch)

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