NEW VINEYARD — Voters at the annual town meeting Saturday will decide on a six-month budget to finance town operations until the new fiscal year begins July 1.

The meeting is scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. at Smith Hall. Members of the local Franklin County 4-H Working Steers Club will serve a pancake breakfast from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Last year, voters agreed to change the town’s fiscal year to July 1 to June 30 from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 to coincide with state, county and school fiscal years.

“We’ll be approving a six-month budget this Saturday, which will cover costs to run the town from January through June this year,” Town Clerk Michelle Beedy said.

“Then we’ll have a second town meeting on June 2, which will be to approve a budget that starts July 1.”

Elections are scheduled for June 2.

Voters will also decide Saturday whether to increase the compensation for Laura Lane, the new animal control officer, and if they wish to spend $42,010 on Smith Hall maintenance, with $30,000 of that earmarked for handicapped-accessibility modifications.

The Planning Board’s proposed modifications to shoreland zoning and building permit ordinances are also on the town meeting warrant.

New Vineyard’s new website — — has information on minutes of municipal meetings, contact information and a calendar of events.

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