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Another nor’easter is expected to hit Maine Wednesday into Thursday and it could bring over a foot of snow.

The fine details will need to be worked out in the coming days but here’s what we know so far.

  • The snow will develop Wednesday afternoon.
  • The heaviest snow will be Wednesday night through the day Thursday.
  • It will be mostly snow, however, some mixing and rain is possible at the coast.
  • It’s still too early to determine this far out, but over a foot of snow is possible for parts of the state.
  • Winds will be strong out of the northeast. Winds gusting 30 to 40 MPH are possible late Wednesday through Thursday.
  • The combination of heavy snow and strong winds may lead to blizzard conditions for parts of the state.
  • Tides are not running nearly as high as the astronomical cycle Maine experienced last week.
  • Significant coastal flooding is not expected but splash over and beach erosion is possible.

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