I find it bizarre that people are so concerned about the pain lobsters may feel while being cooked in the traditional manner, but cannot bring themselves to slightly alter the gun laws when so many children and adults are being killed.

In my lifetime, including a career as a Maine game warden, hunter and gun owner, I have never once felt the need for a firearm capable of shooting more than six cartridges before being reloaded. If anyone (not including those in the military or public safety fields) feels it necessary to own a rifle such as an AR 15, capable of shooting up to 100 rounds before being reloaded, I hope he or she can explain their need to the rest of the public so that we may try to understand why those clips/magazines should not be outlawed.

I am aware of people’s Second Amendment rights. I am asking why those rights can’t be abridged slightly to save so many lives.

Instead of trying to identify all the causes and reasons, let’s try removing the worst and most accessible of the tools.

Charles Tobie, Hebron

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