The rejection of Northern Pass by New Hampshire regulators puts CMP’s “clean energy connect” back on the front burner. Even though CMP has stated publicly that their 145-mile direct current line from Coburn Gore to Lewiston has nothing to do with wind power, it stretches credulity to not see a direct connection between Nextera’s 133-turbine project and that high voltage transmission line.

Even though the Land Use Planning Commission recently rejected Nextera’s petition to expand the expedited permitting area to include Chain of Ponds, Seven Ponds, Alder Stream, Skinner and T5R6, BKP WKR townships, I find it hard to believe CMP (Avangrid) and Nextera, two of the most heavily taxpayer-subsidized public corporations that I know of, will give up their continuing ruination of Maine’s mountaintops and ridges.

People must remember that Maine’s $6 billion tourism business is of paramount importance for the long term. Mainers cannot allow the scenic character of Route 27, from Eustis to the border, be ruined.

Maine does not need the power from 133 windmills, nor the power from Hydro Quebec facilitated by CMP’s transmission line. All the power from those assets will be shipped to southern New England and beyond, without a dime of rate relief for Maine customers.

As I have said in the past, Maine is no longer a colony of Massachusetts. They should put their wind turbines in the Berkshires and build power dams on the Connecticut River.

Leave Maine alone.

Dudley Gray, Rangeley Plantation

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