KINGFIELD — Rolling Fatties’ “Word Buzz” series continues Thursday, March 1 from 6:30 to 8 p.m., welcoming local novelist, short story writer and memoirist Patricia O’Donnell.

O’Donnell will read her work and regale the audience with her wit, wisdom and her love of language. As the novelist Richard Ford has said, her work is characterized by its “plain-spoken subtlety and canny elegance, and its unerring instinct for what’s important to write novels about: matters of the heart, to which O’Donnell gives full, memorable voice.”

There will be some Q&A time after the reading too, so if you have any questions about writing fiction or nonfiction, her forthcoming novel, what it’s like to teach writing, tornadoes, cornfields or anything else, O’Donnell will discuss it with you!

Word Buzz is an informal, once monthly chat with people in the word biz. Rolling Fatties donates 10 percent of sales during the event to Webster Library.

O’Donnell is a professor of creative writing at the University of Maine at Farmington, where she is director of the BFA Program in Creative Writing. Her most recent book is a collection of short fiction, titled “Gods for Sale,” that won the 2016 Serena McDonald Kennedy Award and was published by Snake Nation Press.

She also has a memoir, “Waiting to Begin,” and a novel, “Necessary Places.” Her next novel, “The Vigilance of Stars,” is scheduled to be published in spring of 2019. She lives in Wilton with her husband, Michael Burke, a professor at Colby.

Patricia O’Donnell

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