PERU — The Board of Selectmen hired an on-call animal control officer at Monday night’s meeting and discussed road repairs and the building permit policy.

Cory Marquis of Jay was offered the position of on-call animal control officer. He has a background in military law enforcement. His appointment is effective immediately, and he has six months to receive his training and certification.

Road Commissioner Brad Hutchings created a “road inventory” for the board’s review. Selectmen plan to hang it on the bulletin board in the Town Office. The spreadsheet includes a section listing roads Hutchings said “are savable at this point” and require a three-quarter-inch shim on the surface and a 1-inch overlay.

These roads include Brown Hill, Mineral Springs, Gammon and Dickvale; Main, Dolloff, Veterans and Pleasant streets, and Valley, East Shore, Ridge and Peru Center roads. Hutchings estimated the repairs will cost $992,000.

The second section of the spreadsheet lists dirt roads and the estimated cost of paving. The third section lists roads that require repaving, with materials included.

Hutchings also told the board that Cross Excavation of Bethel has been “so far very cooperative” and “willing to look at the situation” after he wrote a letter asking that they repair damage done to Lovejoy Hill Road.


On Jan. 9, Cross employees drove a mulcher on the road after they could not get their tractor trailer up it to transport the mulcher. Hutchings estimated damage at between $50,000 and $65,000.

In other business, board member Carol Roach requested to Planning Board member Don Roach that they be more specific in their building permit approval recommendations. Citing Maine Municipal Association training she attended, she said two attorneys advised details in the approval process, so the town would have a stronger stance should any appeals take place.

Peru Selectmen Larry Snowman and Raquel Welch listen to a presentation at Monday night’s meeting at the Town Office. (Liz Marquis/Sun Journal)

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