The Republican Party is in deep turmoil. Because it is the majority party in Congress, the government is in disarray. The cause is the chief executive. I believe that more than 80 percent of Republican legislators disagree with the way the executive branch is being conducted.

The separation between the two major parties has widened to a point of stagnation. Republican legislators need to become the stand-up guys — take control of the government and adhere to the principles on which this nation was founded. There are many fine, decent and intelligent people in Congress, above and beyond he who claims to be a stable genius.

Both parties in Congress must form a joint coalition to pass legislation on immigration (without the wall) and a modified health care bill that serves the nation’s population. If they can find common ground, they have the power to override any veto that may ensue. If the combined efforts of Congress can accomplish that, the U.S. might find itself back in the world community where it belongs.

The U.S. has a long tradition of wise counsel, fair treatment and friendly relations with other nations. It has set the bar high in regard to decorum, civility, honesty and justice. An unqualified, egotistical individual should not be allowed to force the nation out of the world community, or drag it into nuclear war.

The best and quickest way to resolve this national problem, is for both parties to get together and act independently of the executive office.

John Bruce McKinley, Auburn

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