100 years ago, 1918
Prior to the inaugural the old Lewiston city council transacted a little routine business — and died. Then, its members, as private citizens, remained to witness the incoming of their successors. This meeting of the old council, set for nine o’clock, opened somewhere about eleven. The members of both bodies dribbled in singly for the most part for the two hours before a quorum could be obtained in the council. As soon as a sufficient number of councilmen could be notified by telephone and had arrived, both boards went into executive session. And almost immediately went out again.

50 years ago, 1968
(Editorial) The forthright statement made by Arnold F. McKenney, director of the Central Maine Vocational-Technical Institute in Auburn, regarding proposals to alter the programs of the institutes for degree-awarding purposes was appropriate and timely. Basically the CMVTI director advocated caution. He warned that a change in the educational setup whereby the vocational schools would become degree-granting institutions could readily result in a “watering down of the fine technical offerings” of these schools.

25 years ago, 1993
More than $10 million in projects, including the reconstruction of part of Lisbon Street in Lewiston and Young’s Corner Road in Auburn, were chosen as priorities to submit to the state Department of Transportation for funding in 1994-95. The Lewiston-Auburn Comprehensive Transportation Study, made up of representatives from the Twin Cities, Lisbon and part of Sabattus, Thursday came up with its list for the area’s transportation improvement plan, known as a TIP. However, the list is expected to be severely narrowed by the state DOT. Lewiston Public Works Director Christopher Branch had requested engineering funds for a connector road from Farwell to Webster streets, two sections of Main Street, and Lincoln Street from Main to Cedar streets.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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