DEAR SUN SPOTS: In Sun Spots on Dec. 20, someone inquired about canned Jacob’s cattle baked beans. They can be purchased at Hannaford stores. Look near the soups and corn chowder. Bar Harbor is the brand name. It’s a 16-ounce can with a dark green mountain behind a sailboat on the label. These are my favorite beans.

— No name, no town

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In answer to the search for Jacob’s cattle beans, I found some at Reny’s in Farmington. The label reads, “Produced in Maine by Look’s Gourmet Food Company at 1112 Cutler Road in Whiting.” Their email is

— No name, no town

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I get my beans at Hannaford in Norway. They carry yellow-eye beans in cans. It’s best to always call first and make sure they’re in stock as stores sometimes change things around. Hope this helps!

— No name, no town


ANSWER: Thank you to all our readers. What great responses! I followed up by contacting Bar Harbor Foods in Whiting at 259-3341. I was assured that you can order all your favorite Bar Harbor products, including both Jacob’s cattle beans and yellow-eye beans, just by giving them a call!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I would like to thank the person who found my phone in the parking lot of the Farmington Narrow Gauge Cinemas on Sunday night and turned it in. What a wonderful gesture, especially at this time of year. It could have easily been used and then trashed. Thank you for your wonderful service and for being here.

— No name, no town

ANSWER: That’s wonderful! A similar thing happened to me a few years ago. A woman found my phone in the very snowy, slushy Hannaford parking lot. She didn’t know how to use it so she took my phone to her son. He found my home number in it and called me. The woman then got back in her vehicle on that miserable winter night and met me at a store near my house. She was a nurse’s aide who had just gotten off a long shift at work. I’ll never forget her kindness. And miraculously, the phone was absolutely fine! There are angels among us, for sure.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I have a Smith-Corona portable typewriter that needs a good overhauling and a new ribbon. Can you help? Thank you for everything you do for everybody.

— No name, Lewiston


ANSWER: I’m so glad to hear you still have a typewriter! My Smith-Corona bit the dust long ago. One place I know of to get your baby back in 100 percent working order is Cosco Technologies on Bearce Road in Winthrop. The number is 377-2897. This could be the only business in Maine where typewriters are still repaired. If I’m wrong, readers, be sure to let me know!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Back in the summer, you shared information about a woman who repaired antique dolls. I’ve lost the paper I wrote it on so can you please print her phone number again? Thanks so much!

— Terri, no town

ANSWER: Here you go, Terri! A Special Place for Dolls is in Wales. The number is 375-7255.

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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