FARMINGTON — Farmington Public Library is featuring works by photographers Leon Gin and Derek Hayes during January and February. 
A meet and greet the photographers will take place at the the library Saturday, Jan. 6, from noon to 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served.  
Gin has been making photographs for almost 30 years. According to Gin, his interest has always been nature, wildlife, travel photography. He goes on to say he is an avid birder and bird photographer. 
“(I) try to focus on the interesting details in a scene, and like to focus on motion, patterns, color and unique compositions.”  Depicting the subject in the best light is the key in photography, he said, adding his goal is always to find the ‘right’ light.
Hayes said his first camera was a Nikon N90 which he dragged across Nepal shortly after college graduation in 2000. From that point on, he was hooked on making pictures of people, places and special moments in time.
Hayes quotes the words of famous Hungarian war photographer and photojournalist Robert Capa, “if your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough.” Hayes said he strives to move closer in his work in search of images that illuminate a point in time when words are not equal to the task.
Each photographer is donating a piece to be raffled by the library at the end of February. Raffle tickets are $1 each or $5 for ten. Winners will be notified by phone. 

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