MEXICO — Town Manager Jack Gaudet said he had heard numerous flat tire complaints in town over recent weeks.

He told selectmen on Dec. 19 that sharp metal strands have been entering people’s tires and causing flats, and local tire businesses have jars of collected strands. “I think I have one in one of my tires,” Gaudet said.

Executive secretary Jen Blodgett said she fielded six or seven complaints last week about this issue.

Gaudet said the problem area is from the Catalyst Paper mill yard to Veterans Bridge, then east on Route 2 to the transfer station.

“That is not a town road. We do not have the authority within that area,” said Gaudet, noting that it is the responsibility of the Maine Department of Transportation.

He advised people to contact the mill.


Selectman Reggie Arsenault suggested that Gaudet, on behalf of the town, contact MDOT and ask them to contact the mill “to see what can be done about this, especially coming out of the mill down to the Veterans Bridge, which is really getting loaded with that stuff.”

Gaudet said he couldn’t confirm it, but he saw something online that indicated MDOT had contacted the mill.

In other business, after a brief public hearing about bringing back the Fire Department whistle, resident Clyde Wardwell Jr. said, “I think it’s great. I like it.”

Fire Chief Richie Jones said the whistle, not used in more than 10 years, is back up and running after special batteries for the 24-volt system were purchased.

He said when the whistle was working, it blew daily at 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Jones said he would like to resume that practice beginning Jan. 1.

Jones added that the whistle could also be used for public emergencies, but will not be used for fire calls.


Asked if they were going to play Christmas music over the system, Jones indicated that perhaps that would be considered next year.

Following another public hearing, selectmen approved a taxi cab license for Jane Wardwell, operating a new company called River Valley Taxi.

The renewal for Mountain Valley Taxi, owned by Chester White, was tabled until the next meeting because he did not appear. Selectman Reggie Arsenault then made a motion, which was approved, that White could not operate his business in Mexico if his current license has expired.

Jen Blodgett was appointed the town’s assistant General Assistance coordinator.

Gaudet reminded people that the town’s parking ban is in effect from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. until April 17.

“There’s already been tickets and tows,” he said, adding that the town is also enforcing an ordinance on snow removal. “You can’t leave snow or material in the road.”

Numerous flat tire complaints in Mexico

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