It is ridiculous to have to vote again is the sentiment of many seniors and other people I have talked to since the Lewiston election in November. Ben Chin got 4,239 votes — some 1,260 more that his opponent. Why should Lewiston taxpayers pay for a second election?

Lewiston has had great elected leaders who were not born and raised in Lewiston, yet they had a positive impact on the community and quality of life.

Chin is a leader and champion of causes that improve people’s lives. Just a few — raising the minimum wage, voter’s rights, full school funding and lowering prescription drug cost for the elderly.

He is an excellent negotiator and organizer who will help find solutions. As a young professional couple, he and his wife will bring a much-needed new image to Lewiston. He loves Lewiston.

I hope others will join me in voting for Ben Chin on Dec. 12.

Diane Grandmaison, Lewiston

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