For the past two years, I have been the city councilor for Lewiston’s Ward 2, where Ben Chin lives. How many times has Chin contacted me about his great ideas for Lewiston? Zero. Weird, since I would have been in a position to bring forth his ideas to the city council. Perhaps he only talks at election time?

His solutions for the opioid crisis? Not a word, even though I have been in corrections for 30 years and work as a supervisor at the Androscoggin County Jail. Surely we would have had a lot to talk about, maybe even agree on.

Shane Bouchard has been working hard on Lewiston’s challenges, including the opioid crisis, for the past three years, not just at election time. He offers solutions, not rhetoric. He works year round, not just during the election cycle.

That is why I am voting for Shane Bouchard on Dec. 12.

Tim Lajoie, Lewiston

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