100 years ago, 1917
The starting of a new Mechanic Falls rural delivery route over Bradbury Hill and Mt. Hunger is meeting with considerable opposition. The plan is to take off a dozen or more families in the Welch neighborhood, and put them onto the new route which is only to be carried three times a week. This will only give service to people in that neighborhood every other day whereas they now have it every day.

50 years ago, 1967
(Photo Caption) This steam-operated machine, owned by the Raymond Concrete Pile Co., started work Monday at the site of the Lewiston Housing Authority’s housing for the elderly project and started driving the first pile for the six-story structure. This pile will be a test pile and will be filled with concrete. It will have to support 90 tons of weight to determine if it will withstand the design load of 45 tons. A total of 253 piles will be set on the site during the next three to four weeks.

25 years ago, 1992
LA Arts is sponsoring the Jo Ha Kyu Performance Group in a series of school assembly programs in Lewiston and Auburn. The troupe of five dancers will present interactive, informative lecture/demonstration programs on bugaku, the Japanese Imperial court dance. The dances will be presented within a cultural context of ancient Japan. The students will have the opportunity to play musical instruments and try on costumes and masks. They will also learn a few steps from one of the dances.

The material in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors made at that time may be corrected.

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