As a veteran, I believe that everyone should vote. In Lewiston, only 36 percent of those eligible went to vote on Nov. 7. I thank all who took the time to vote. Those who did not vote should vote.

The U.S. Constitution states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged …” That provision is, in my opinion, the most important principle. Citizens must vote in order to maintain the current form of government.

The run-off election for Lewiston’s mayor on Dec. 12 is important for the growth of this community. Ben Chin is the only candidate who has been running a positive campaign and has demonstrated that he wants to do the best for all the residents of Lewiston, including enforcing the building codes for safe housing, improving education for the children and protecting voting rights.

I am voting for Ben Chin.

Richard Grandmaison, Lewiston

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