LIVERMORE — Hathaway Hill Road residents expressed concerns Tuesday about a gate on the road and asked selectpersons to determine whether the road was closed.

Hathaway Hill Road at one time connected to Meadow View Road in Canton. In April 2015, Canton selectmen voted to look into buying two gates for placement at either end of that road. Residents had complained about partying, illegal dumping and road abuse.

Later that month, Livermore residents met with their select board about the issue. Timothy Kachnovich, a selectperson at the time, said the town hadn’t maintained the road for years and that if all landowners were in agreement, a gate could be put up.

Administrative Assistant Amy Byron said Wednesday that a gate was put up, but she didn’t know when. The town has a key should emergency vehicles need access because there is only space for ATVs or snowmobiles to get through. She has gone through some town records, but she still had more to review, she said.

Thomas Wilson of 350 Hathaway Hill Road said Tuesday that originally the gate was supposed to be opened after mud season. That hasn’t happened.

“We need to have the road classified,” he said. “If it is a public road, it shouldn’t be posted.” 


Board of Selectpersons Chairman Tom Gould said by state law, there is no such thing as an non-maintained public road.

“If it’s not considered a public road, it reverts back to the landowners,” Gould said. “It’s a very dicey process to block the road. The person(s) putting up a gate or cable could be held liable if someone is killed.”

Gould said the easiest thing would be for all landowners to come to an amicable agreement. He suggested looking at the deeds of owners to see if anything about the road was included.

Wilson said one landowner has claimed ownership of the road and posted signs.

“He harasses ATVers, snowmobilers,” Wilson said. “Can you look into this so we know?”

Tuesday night Hathaway Hill Road residents brought concerns about a gate on the road before the Livermore Selectpersons. Pictured, from left, are Darcy and Kirk Leadbetter and Thomas Wilson. (Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser)

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