One of several signs on Commercial Street in Portland has Tuesday misspelled as “Tuedsay.” (Shawn Patrick Ouellette/Portland Press Herald)

Portlanders are taking the city to task on social media for some new “No Parking” signs posted downtown.

It’s not the city’s parking rules that caused the criticism. It’s the spelling.

The signs, which can be found along Commercial Street, have Tuesday written as “Tuedsay.”

A photo of one of the signs was included in a Facebook post published on Nov. 7, which reads, “Dear Portland, Maine This is not how Tuesday is spelled and you have like 15 signs that say this. fix please.”

Comments on the post asked who is in charge of spelling for the city of Portland and if the mistake is not secretly a loophole allowing people to park their cars on the side of the road whenever, as “Tuedsay” doesn’t exist.

One comment included a photo of a sign in East Bayside that reads “City of Portand,” suggesting the spelling problem may be a citywide problem.

One critic posted a photo of one of the signs Monday on Twitter, as well as the hashtags #youhadonejob and #goodworkishardtofind.

The City of Portland responded to this tweet, saying the city is in the process of fixing the signs. “We totally agree spelling matters,” the response says.

City spokeswoman Jessica Grondin did not immediately respond to a request for more information, and it wasn’t clear how the error happened or who will bear the cost of replacing the signs.

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