LEWISTON — Androscoggin Bank’s MainStreet Foundation is offering an  educational session starting at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 15, for nonprofit professionals, leadership and board members.

The event will be held at the Ramada Conference Center in Lewiston and will feature guest speakers Kathryn Skelton, a staff writer who specializes in business coverage at the Sun Journal, and Kristin Melville, development and outreach director of Hospice of Southern Maine, who will discuss “Engaging the media to share your nonprofit’s story.” Chip Morrison, business development officer at Androscoggin Bank, will moderate the discussion.

The seminar will be followed by the foundation’s annual meeting and awards luncheon, at which the recipient of the foundation’s 2017 $25K for Kids grant will be announced. All seminar attendees are encouraged to stay for the luncheon celebration.

The seminar and awards luncheon are free to attend but registration is required by Nov. 10 at http://tinyurl.com/2017MainStreetFoundationAwards.

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