Buckfield Board of Selectmen

Nov. 7, 2017

Buckfield Municipal Building


What happened: Selectmen tabled  requesting the auditor to come in and present to them about the annual audit until they see a copy of the contract.

What it means: Interim Town Manager Brad Plante said, “Every place I’ve ever worked, the auditor has always been required to make their report to the selectmen. Apparently that is not something that’s ever been done here. I find that very unusual.” The presentation is not included in the contract and would cost an estimated $300.


What’s next: Plante will share a copy of the auditor’s contract with selectmen before the next meeting.


What happened: Plante announced longtime Fire Chief Tim Brooks will retire next year.

What it means: Brooks will retire as of June 30, 2018. He has already told his firefighters of his impending retirement.

What’s next: The town will have to hire a new fire chief.

Bridge replacement


What happened: Plante said he is exploring with the Maine National Guard for a replacement bridge, because one washed away during last week’s storm.

What it means: The Shedd Hollow Bridge, which was already slated to be replaced, was completely swept away in Darnit Brook. The town claimed $123,000 worth of damage from the storm, which will be submitted as part of Oxford County’s damage to see if FEMA funds are available.

What’s next: Town and county officials have to hear back from the federal government as to whether or not funds will be available.

Facebook page

What happened: Selectmen approved launching the town’s Facebook page.

What it means: Plante and resident Will Klotz have worked together in getting a Facebook page going. There will be three administrators: the town manager, town clerk and assistant clerk. Committees that want information or photos posted on the page can contact the Town Office to get them posted.


Town manager search

What happened: Plante said he’s received six applications for the town manager position.

What it means: The town will accept applications through Nov. 22. In March, former Town Manager Cindy Dunn announced she would resign from that position. She remains as town clerk. 

What’s next: Selectmen will review the applications before setting up interviews.


What happened: Selectmen authorized the purchase of a new sander unit for one of the town’s plow trucks.


What it means: The $5,000 will come from the Highway Department Equipment Reserve account.

Charter letter

What happened: Selectmen directed Plante to write Spectrum cable a letter about the company changing local channels without any input.

What it means: Channel 7, which is what the town broadcasts on, will become Channel 1301. Channel 11, which RSU 10 uses, will become 1302.

Agreement tabled

What happened: Selectmen tabled the Water Pollution Control Authority agreement until they can examine the contract more.


What it means: The agreement is approved every five years and costs $250 annually. This is to allow anybody who pumps septic systems in Buckfield to take it to a facility in Lewiston. 

What’s next: Selectmen will review the contract and address it at a future meeting.


What happened: Selectmen accepted with regret the resignation of Penny Horsfall from the Budget Committee.

What it means: Selectmen thanked Horsfall for her service to the town.

What’s next: Two seats are available on the Budget Committee. Anybody interested in serving can stop into the Municipal Building.


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