DEAR SUN SPOTS: Regarding the Monday, Oct. 23, inquiry about rebuilding a 1989 Cub Cadet Tractor diesel fuel injector pump, try Atlantic Fuel Injection in Windham.

— No name, no town

ANSWER: Thank you for this note! Here’s hoping for a good match for Jeanne’s tractor. Atlantic Fuel Injection Inc. is at 697 Roosevelt Trail in Windham. The number is 892-8545.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Would you have a list of names of beauticians who come to your home to do hair? I read your column every day and enjoy it. Thank you.

— No name, Auburn

ANSWER: A couple of stylists who provide this service are Linda Therrien (576-3081) and Lynn Eberhard (782-1271 and 754-9805-cell). I’m sure there are many more in the L-A area so if anyone has recommendations or if you’re a hair stylist that provides in-home services, we’ll put the information in the Sun Spots rolodex!


A reminder that SeniorsPlus has recommendations for all types of senior services. Their number is 795-4010 or 1-800-427-1241.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Stonewalls are an integral part of the New England landscape, and the fields at Narramissic, the historic Peabody-Fitch Farmstead in South Bridgton, are bounded by particularly impressive examples of the art. However, if they aren’t kept clear, they can rapidly become overgrown and fall into disrepair, and the Bridgton Historical Society, which owns Narramissic, wants to make sure that doesn’t happen. To that end, the society is inviting anyone who wants to help to come out to Narramissic on Saturday, Nov. 4, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. to help clear the walls. Sixteen-year-old BHS member Mike Larrabee is organizing the event. Volunteers are needed to feed the chipper or cut wood with loppers and hand saws. It’s a great opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise in a beautiful spot, meet some friendly people and contribute to a worthy cause. 

The society has some tools available, but volunteers can also bring their own. The organizers of the event point out that only experienced people should handle chainsaws, and use appropriate safety equipment when doing so.

The society will provide light refreshments. Narramissic is near the end of Ingalls Road, off Route 107 in South Bridgton. For more information, stop by or call the historical society at 647-3699, email or call Mike Larrabee at 583-5033.

— Ned, executive director, Bridgton Historical Society

ANSWER: The Bridgton Historical Society was founded in 1953 to encourage an appreciation and understanding of the history of the Bridgton community. Narramissic, the Peabody-Fitch Farm, was bequeathed to the society in 1987. It features a 1797 house, blacksmith shop and large barn. The society also operates an archives and museum in the former fire station at 5 Gibbs Ave. in downtown Bridgton. The museum is open year-round, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 to 4 p.m., and other times by chance or appointment. It has expanded hours in the summer when Narramissic is also open on a regular schedule.

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