I ask myself why nobody favoring the “merger” is talking about a savings for the taxpayers. No talk about a reduction in the unrealistic assessed values; no reduction in the insanely high mil rate and no corresponding reduction in taxes, resulting in no savings for the people.

When the One LA campaign talks about “savings” what they really mean is “producing government efficiencies,” “reducing future tax increases” and “delivering improved services.” Essentially, any savings that might be realized has already been spent in the minds of government officials who think money grows on trees. They continually demonstrate that they are unable to live within the means of the taxpaying community.

As if by magic, the fat-cat bureaucrats have produced another revenue producing dream called the “charter and consolidation agreement.” Problem is, the public would have to be asleep to believe it.

People shouldn’t let themselves be confused.

I hope other residents will join me in voting “no” on the referendum question to “approve the charter and consolidation agreement” — it’s the same thing as voting against the merger.

Alan Whitman, Auburn

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