Recently, John Kelly, White House chief of staff, said that he believes our culture has lost many things, and one of them was religion.

Corinthians 1-9 admonishes people to be careful, that their liberty becomes a stumbling block to those who are weak. I say that children in grade school and older are weak, weak in judgment and prone to impulsive behaviors as their brains are still developing. So, as I see it, when recreational marijuana use was legalized by vote, the message was already out there that marijuana is OK.

That passage was a sin.

Recently, Maine Public Television presented “Maine Event.” It was hosted by Sen. Roger Katz and Hannah Pingree and featured two other guest speakers. They spoke of the need to educate children for prevention, yet they seemed to glorify a new cottage industry — growing marijuana.

They touted tourism, but what kinds of tourists? They said Maine must have retail stores to sell marijuana, but many towns don’t want those types of stores.

Marijuana is a bane for children.

Elaine Graham, Farmington 

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