I support Renee Courtemanche for Lewiston School Committee Ward 1.

I have had the pleasure of working with her on the Geiger School PTO for the past seven years. The PTO is made up of one percent of the parents, proving her dedication to her children’s school and education.

Her commitment to the welfare of the students and teachers has guided her work in becoming more educated on the cause of issues facing the schools. As a member of the school committee, she will take her role seriously, be a team player and will not make any rash decisions.

She will question, when needed, in order to make the best vote for the district. She will stand up for what is right, even if that means voting no when others are inclined to vote yes.

I hope others will also support Renee Courtemanche for Lewiston School Committee, Ward 1

Nicholas Blais, Lewiston

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