I am proud to endorse Jason Levesque for mayor of Auburn.

Walking our city, it’s amazing to witness thriving restaurants and businesses filling in once-empty storefronts. Auburn is clearly becoming the “comeback kid” we have always known it could be.

And if Auburn is to continue achieving its potential, these next few years will be crucial. That is why I am supporting Levesque for mayor — a proven leader for Auburn.

Levesque knows business. As a business leader, he has created thousands of jobs — right here in our community — for more than 14 years at Argo Marketing.

As mayor, he will put his experience to work, helping Auburn continue replacing those empty storefronts with new businesses, which means more opportunity (and lower taxes) for us all.

This November, I hope other Auburn residents will join me in voting Jason Levesque for mayor — so Auburn can achieve its full potential.

Eric Brakey, Auburn

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