Recently, the governor, the Legislature and the commissioner of the bureau dealing with alcohol clashed in regard to the sale of “nips.”

The governor and commissioner chose to remove the popular item from Maine’s list of liquor items for sale. I believe the request was because the Legislature went against the governor’s request to not add a 5-cent deposit to make the item returnable under our existing law in regard to roadside litter.

Surprisingly, the more intelligent members of the commission voted against the ban and “nips” remain for sale in Maine.

Shortly after this meeting the commissioner announced price increases would occur on many of Maine’s liquor products in October and, at the same time, stated that the Maine liquor business has had a profitable year to date. So why the price increase?

Note: the price of nips is expected to more than double based on reported comments.

So why do we have signs proclaiming “Maine is open for business ” and a governor who seems to say one thing and yet propose the opposite? Why are the liquor prices in New Hampshire significantly lower than Maine, and even more so when the Maine 5.5 percent sales tax is applied?

Example: Canadian Ltd regular price in Maine is $16.49 plus tax, or $17.40 total. The same bottle in New Hampshire is $12.99, no tax.

Yes sir. We’re open for business as long as it generates income for the state’s coffers and steals from our local citizens and those who choose to visit our “Vacationland.”

Edmund H. Lewis, Farmington

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