The president’s son, son-in-law and as many as six others met with a Russian attorney in June 2016, supposedly to gather “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. When told of the meeting, Trump Jr. is reported to have said “I love it.” That would have given inappropriate and possibly illegal advantage to Donald Trump in the election.

President Trump is a habitual liar. He has lied about President Obama’s place of birth. He lied to thousands of students enrolled in the now defunct Trump University (paid $25 million to settle the lawsuits). He lied about President Obama tapping his phones. He lied about taking to court the many women who accused him of being sexually abusive. He lied when he accused Judge Gonzalo Curiel of being biased against him in the Trump University suit. He lies almost daily in his “tweets.”

Former FBI Director James Comey, whom Trump fired, was quoted by many news sources as saying at one point that Trump was “outside the realm of normal,” even “crazy.”

The president is conducting a war against the media — television news and newspapers. That isn’t a small issue. The Constitution assures the freedom of the press. The public has a right to know how the government functions. The media may be the only source for true news for the public.

Ronald Melendy, Auburn

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