CHESTERVILLE — Selectmen voted 4-1 Thursday to hold meetings the first and third Thursday of every month, with additional meetings called as needed.

Selectmen will evaluate the decision in 90 days. The board has discussed its meeting schedule twice in recent months. 

Selectman Edward Hastings IV brought it up again, given the lack of items on the last two agendas.  

Selectman Vice Chairman Tiffany Estabrook said she felt the selectmen were elected on the basis of being here every week and that’s what the citizens recommended.

“I think there are too many things being spoken outside meetings,” Estabrook said. “I don’t feel there’s enough communication between the board members.” 

Selectmen Ross Clair said there are going to be times when it’s slow, such as the past two meetings. He was in favor of meeting every other week with some way to call another meeting if needed.


“There needs to be some stop-gap measure if we need to be called in on an off week,” Clair said. “We can make a decision early in the week.

“With the staff we have, we have a good crew here,” he said. “It’s up to us. We wouldn’t be letting the townspeople down.” 

He suggested revisiting the issue in 60 days.

Estabrook said doing so in 90 days would bring it to the first of October and give the board a good idea going into the winter months. She also asked that a decision be made so the topic wouldn’t be raised again.

Deputy Town Clerk Rachel Heseltine said she wouldn’t have an issue with meeting twice a month.

Treasurer Erin Norton also supported the change. She said the board could schedule work sessions in the off weeks. They would not be public meetings nor would decisions be made.


“I can continue the weekly payroll,” Norton said. “Selectmen would approve the warrant at their leisure, two members would sign it and then I would write the checks.”

Norton, who is also treasurer for Starks and New Sharon, said that is what she does in those towns.

Hastings amended his original motion to include re-evaluating meeting dates in 90 days.

Estabrook suggested meeting every other week, but no action was taken.

Hastings, Clair, Selectman Matt Welch and board Chairman Tyler Jenness voted in favor of the amended motion. Estabrook was opposed.

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