OTISFIELD — Town Forester Bill Newcomb updated the Board of Selectmen at Wednesday evening’s meeting on the quality of the town’s three timber lots and the status of the timber market.

Selectman Rick Micklon said he and the other selectmen invited Newcomb to speak at Wednesday’s meeting to share his thoughts on whether any of the town’s three timber lots need to be cut in 2017.

“Right now, we want to find out whether now is the time to cut, and if the market is right for it,” Micklon said. “It’s all a part of managing our forest. We’re looking more for a plan than to generate income.”

Newcomb said that the timber market was “not that good right now.”

“It seems to be down at this time,” Newcomb said.

Micklon asked if there was any timber on the town’s lots that are “ready to be cut now.”


Newcomb said the Swampville timber lot would be the place to cut.

“You still have a lot of wood on all of your lots, but if you were going to cut anywhere, you should make it Swampville,” Newcomb continued. “There are a variety of different types of wood there, and a good amount of mature pines scattered around.”

Swampville Run runs between Bell Hill and Bolsters Mills roads.

Micklon asked Newcomb if he could contact the town if the timber market shifts and it looks like a good time to cut wood.

Newcomb agreed to do so, and Administrative Assistant Anne Pastore agreed to send an e-mail as a reminder in October.


Chairman Hal Ferguson listens as town forester Bill Newcomb (not pictured) talks about the town’s three timber lots at Wednesday evening’s Board of Selectmen meeting at the Otisfield Town Office.

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