AUGUSTA (AP) — A few bills from Maine’s GOP governor are now law following action from Republicans and Democrats.

Gov. Paul LePage worked with lawmakers like Democratic Rep. Jared Golden of Lewiston and Republican Sen. Brian Langley on successful bills this year.

Now, career and technical education programs can serve sixth to eighth graders.

The bill sponsored by Langley received support from groups representing teachers and superintendents, who said such efforts would need more funding.

Another new law that Golden and LePage worked on lets the state modify professional licensing requirements for certain military veterans with training in a particular field.

But LePage had less luck with a bill to phase out a $20 pet food surcharge for spay and neuter programs.

The Legislature instead preserved the surcharge and increased revenue for such programs.

Maine State House is the state capitol of the State of Maine in Augusta, Maine, USA.
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Maine State House is the state capitol of the State of Maine in Augusta, Maine, USA.

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