FARMINGTON —  Selectmen approved a new liquor license Tuesday, awarded bids for road and concrete projects, and discussed bringing town acceptance of a road, Kashke Drive, before voters.

John Moore sought approval of a liquor license for Big Sky Grill, formerly called the Snack Shack, in Narrow Gauge Square.

Outside patio seating and a movie screen have been added, along with landscaping. Outside entertainment, including musical performances, may be offered Friday and Saturday nights, he said.

Business hours, according to the application, are daily from 5 to 10 p.m. Moore plans to open by the end of the month.

Holley Road resident Colon Durrell expressed interest in dedicating an approximately 1300-foot road called Kashke Drive for acceptance by voters at a town meeting. By accepting it, the town assumes responsibility for maintenance.

Selectmen chose to pass on the request until another meeting when Durrell could be present.  


Durrell brought an idea for a 14-lot subdivision off Holley Road called Kashke Terraces before the Planning Board in 1999. It was approved but then the economy dipped. No homes have been developed but the road was built along with a water main and underground electric and telephone lines. The road is being paved this month. Durrell sees the 14 lots as potentially beneficial for the town’s tax base.

Hutchins said it is a u-shaped road which would be easier for the town to plow and it was built to town standards.

In other business, the board awarded the contract for road reclamation and paving projects to Bruce A. Manzer Inc.

Four bids were received but Manzer was the lowest, Town Manager Richard Davis said. The Manzer bid for the Titcomb Hill project was $271,596; North Street, $31,884; Prescott Street, $45,345; and High Street-Middle Street, $25,877.

Other bidders were Pike Industries, All-State and Bard Paving.

Two concrete projects, one for the Public Works salt shed repair and the other for a slab in front of truck bay doors for the Fire Department, were awarded to Barker and Sons of Farmington.

The salt shed repair cost is $16,085 and the cement slab cost is $8,190.

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