Selectman Rick Micklon jots a note Wednesday evening while Josh Tice of Tice Waste Management gives a presentation on what his company could offer the town in terms of recycling.

OTISFIELD — The Board of Selectmen met with the owner of an Oxford Hills waste management company Wednesday evening about his offer to handle the town’s recycling after July 1.

Josh Tice, owner and operator of Tice Waste Management, said his goal in speaking with the Board of Selectmen was to “let you all know what I can offer as far as taking your recycling” after Oxford County Regional Recycling Corp. shuts down.

Tice said his company would place its supply containers at the town’s transfer station, and “when it’s full, my team would come in and pick up all of the recycling at no cost to the town.”

He said he sells the recyclables to a company and receives money for them.

“Whatever I get back, I cut you a check for 5 percent of the profits,” Tice said. “Nothing would change at your facility except my containers would be in place instead of the ones you have now.”

The town currently uses a supply container from the Oxford County Regional Recycling Corp. and was planning to retain use of it after the corporation dissolves.


Tice said his trucks were specifically fitted for his company’s containers.

Selectmen Hal Ferguson and Rick Micklon asked Tice about his business’s capabilities in taking certain recyclables, including No. 2 plastics and e-waste, such as computers and lightbulbs.

Tice said his company does not take No. 2 plastics because there’s no market for them but will take e-waste at no charge to the town.

Ferguson said, “It seems like switching to you would be seamless. Would you be able to start by July?”  

“I’m ready whenever you need me,” Tice said.

Ferguson and Micklon agreed that they were interested but wanted to see a draft of a three-year contract before voting.

They added that they also wanted to speak with Selectman Lenny Adler about the offer. Adler was absent from Wednesday’s meeting.

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