Buckfield Board of Selectmen

Buckfield Town Office

June 6, 2017

Interim town manager search

What happened: Selectmen met in executive session to review interim town manager candidates’ applications and in open session, voted to include the two newly elected selectmen in the interview process.

What it means: To date, five applications have been submitted. The new manager will also serve as a consultant to look at the town government structure. Selectmen chose two candidates to interview. Town Manager Cindy Dunn will resign that position when her contract expires June 30; however, she will remain the town clerk. Two new selectmen will be elected on Tuesday, June 13, because Chairman Warren Wright decided not to seek re-election and Mike Iveson resigned, effective June 30.


What’s next: Applications for interim town manager are being accepted until 5 p.m. Friday, June 9. Selectmen and the newly elected selectmen will conduct the first round of interviews at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, June 15.

No thanks

What happened: Selectmen voted to inform Synergy Search Group LLC of Turner they cannot utilize the company’s services at this time for the town manager search.

What it means: Dunn presented the proposal to selectmen after a representative from the group sent it, offering to help the board in its search. The company would charge 15 percent of the town manager’s salary and one-third of that would be required upfront and would be nonrefundable. Due to the timeliness and lack of funding, selectmen are unable to use Synergy’s services.

What’s next: Selectmen plan to have the interim town manager, once hired, assist with the town manager search. 

Proposals tabled


What happened: Selectmen tabled action on proposals from the Economic Development Committee for an information kiosk and new town signs.

What it means: Dunn presented the proposals to selectmen on Tuesday night and since they didn’t have a chance to look them over, they tabled the issue.

What’s next: Members of the Economic Development Committee will be in attendance at the next selectmens’ meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 20, to answer any questions.

Review tabled

What happened: Selectmen tabled discussing the town’s Personnel Policies & Procedures Handbook, which was reviewed by Maine Municipal Association.

What it means: Selectmen tabled the review because they are busy searching for a town manager.

What’s next: Selectmen will address the review at their second meeting in July.


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