This is in response to Len Greaney’s letter (May 19). He wrote that economic development is the key reason he will vote for candidates who have demonstrated strong support in the local battle with the Rumford Water District and Nestle.

The amount of water Poland Springs (Nestle) wants to buy is literally a drop in the bucket. Hundreds of thousands of gallons of water go through the aquifer every day. The water not being used just flows away. Once it reaches the ocean, it evaporates and turns to rain that falls back to Earth, replenishing the aquifer — basic grade-school science.

Funds from the sale of that water could and should be used to replace old piping that desperately needs replacing. Candidate Mark Belanger told me himself that he would raise taxes for the funding to replace the old piping.

Not selling the water is economically foolish. Those people who are against selling water that raises around $500,000 a year are not helping Rumford.

Before voting, residents should please check the facts. Spreading fear in this community that the evil empire is coming to steal our water is not helpful. There is a chance for not only a huge financial gain in selling water, but a chance that Nestle might build a bottling plant in Rumford.

Sell the water.

Ed Bulger, Rumford

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