FARMINGTON — Regional School Unit 9 Support Services Director Jonathan Chalmers gave a presentation to directors on Tuesday on a proposed capital improvement bond.

The proposed $317,834 bond will be paid for over 10 years and cost approximately $38,217 per year with an estimated 3.5 percent interest.

It covers a number of school improvement projects including a gym roof, windows, new pavement at schools and the bus garage.

The payments will begin in 2018-19, if voters approve going out to bond. They will consider doing so June 13.

The district will pay off a bond payment of $29,104 in 2017-18 that closes out the lease for the Academy Hill School gym and heating improvements in Wilton.

Going out to bond removes $77,595 from the proposed $33.89 million school budget, Superintendent Tom Ward said.


If approved, the 2018-19 budget will increase by $9,113, the difference between the estimated bond cost of $38,217 and lease reduction of $29,104.

Prior to the hearing, directors held a reception for the top 10 students at Mt. Blue High School and the Student of the Year at Foster Career and Technical Education Center. The valedictorian and salutatorian will be named on graduation day June 11.

Regional School Unit 9 directors held a reception Tuesday for Mt. Blue High School’s top 10 seniors and Foster Career and Technical Education Center Student of the Year. From left are, front, Lexi Daggett, Student of the Year; and top 10 students Grace Andrews, Jessie Hutchinson, Julia Ramsey and Maggie Hickey; back, from left, Andrew Haszko, Thomas Marshall, Nolan Rogers, Tucker Barber, Miles Pelletier and Makao Thomspon.

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