I hope Congress protects the Affordable Care Act and Medicaid programs across the country and here in Maine. I am very disappointed with the bill that the House passed, and I can’t believe that Rep. Bruce Poliquin supported it.

I need health care insurance to go to my doctor and for my prescriptions at the pharmacy. If I didn’t have health insurance through MaineCare, I could not afford to pay for my doctor or my medicine. I, like so many Mainers, need health care services provided through MaineCare and through the ACA. I have heart disease and other serious medical conditions that require medical attention.

There are so many Mainers struggling with health issues, from diabetes to cancer to opioid addiction. For them, and for myself, I hope that Sen. Susan Collins won’t follow Rep. Poliquin’s lead and support any changes to the ACA that would leave Mainers with less health care.

What is going on in Washington is wrong. It is not right to take away health care from people. How can people live? How can they contribute to society? How can they be happy?

For people who do not have a job or who have low income and cannot pay for the medical bills, there needs to be a strong Medicaid system. That goes for everyone in the country.

I hope there are no changes to the Affordable Care Act that take away health care coverage from the people. We all need it.

Kenny DerBoghosian, Lewiston

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