MONMOUTH — The North Monmouth Library has been entered in the National Register of Historic Places according to Kirk F. Mohney, Director of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission. This designation indicates that the property has been documented, evaluated, and considered worthy of preservation and protection as part of the nation’s cultural heritage.

The North Monmouth Library is a one-room Colonial Revival style building in the hamlet of North Monmouth in the Kennebec County town of Monmouth. Local architect Harry Cochrane of Monmouth designed the building in 1926 with construction complete in 1927. The building sits on a small corner lot donated by the Winthrop Mill Company. The predominately residential settlement retains manufacturing in the mill which sits south of the library with its associated mill pond. Local monetary, material and labor donations provided for the library building construction.

The North Monmouth Library meets the registration requirements outlined in the Multiple Property Submission “Maine Public Libraries: ca. 1750-1938” which provides the historic context for evaluating the property. The building is eligible for listing in the National Register under Criteria A for its association with education in the town of Monmouth and for its connection to the nationwide social history trend of philanthropic support for the library creation in the 20th century. The property is also eligible under Criteria C as a significant small Colonial Revival style design by Harry Cochrane.

The library retains its Palladian windows, portico, interior finishes and design. The building retains a high degree of integrity of materials, workmanship, design, setting, location, association and feeling. The library is significant at the local level with a period of significance from 1927 to 1967, the year of construction to 50 years from the present.

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