Temperatures for the first full week of April averaged below normal and quite variable. There was a range of 32 degrees, from the low of 20 on the 3rd, to the high of 52 degrees on the same date. The approaching week is expected to be milder, with some days warmer than normal.

There was precipitation on five dates, with the most occurring on the 6th and that measured 1.04 inches. Thunder and lightning was evident both sides of 10 p.m. With the melting snow and rain, the area streams are at full volume or capacity. Friday evening, while I was outside of my shed door I could hear the roaring sound of the river.

The off and on freezing temperatures continue to create new cracks, bumps and depressions in most area roads. Some have said that they never experienced Route 4 so rough. Recently, I traveled Route 2 from East Dixfield to Farmington and areas of that highway were rough.

I felt blessed Thursday the 6th to hear and see robins and song sparrows for the first time this season. More crows are evident and they are quite vocal with the much longer days. I have had a few starlings at my feeders during the colder months but now their numbers have increased. I saw two red-winged blackbirds one day at the feeder and I hadn’t seen any for over two weeks. A suet block was put in the feeder on Friday and that was consumed in less than twenty four hours.

My recovery from hammer toe surgery is up to schedule but I am still limited to wearing the cumbersome but needed “boot.” With the favorable early gardening weather predicted I will cover that “boot” with plastic grocery bags and attempt some limited gardening. Even though this past winter was more difficult than the previous two, most people and myself proclaim that it went quickly and not all that was planned got accomplished. 

More fuel oil and wood have been used this winter season than some of the previous winters. Fortunately, the price of fuel oil was lower.


In talking with one of the area’s maple syrup producers, maple sap is still running. Sap has run in the months of February, March and still of this date in April. With a few more day’s run he expects to pass the 500 gallon mark, which will be above the average.

This period of time last year had colder average temperatures, reinforced by three days with high temperatures below freezing. There was a range of 47 degrees from the low of 9 on the 5th, to the high of 56 degrees on the 8th.

There was some precipitation on five dates, with 0.93 of an inch of water  and one inch of snow on the 6th but the next day the ground was bare.

Week of April 2-April 8

Day High Low Precip.

Sun. 48 29 0


Mon. 52 20 0

Tues. 35 26 0.49 1″ snow

Wed. 37 32 T

Thurs. 39 32 1.04

Fri. 50 33 T

Sat. 42 34 0 

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