Minot Town Farm talk April 11

MINOT — The Minot Historical Society will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 11, at the Minot Town Office. 

The speaker will be Lucille Hemond Hodsdon of Norway speaking on the Minot Town Farm. She and her mother, Noella Hemond, have written several books on the history of Minot.

A short business meeting will also be held along with refreshments following the program. All interested people are invited.

Antiques, collectibles night at Society

LISBON FALLS — Lisbon Historical Society will host its annual Antiques Night, one of the society’s most popular programs, Wednesday, April 12, in the MTM Center, 18 School St. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m., and the event starts at 7 p.m.


The event is free and open to the public. Members and guests may bring antiques, memorabilia or treasures from the attic to the meeting. 

While this is not an event for appraisals, society members will help identify mystery entries, using the extensive society resources. 

All attendees who wish to participate are invited to share information about an item in a “show and tell” session, explaining what they know about the background and historical significance of their item. Others may participate by displaying what they have brought. 

Refreshments will be served following the event.

FMI: 207-353-8510, LisbonHistSoc@gmail.com.

April L-A Metro Chamber breakfast 


LEWISTON — The April L-A Metro Chamber breakfast will be held at 7 a.m. Thursday, April 13, at Ramada Conference Center.

Presenter Peter Lowe, employment lawyer at Brann and Isaacson, will speak about workplace safety following the legalization of marijuana.

Cost is $20 for members and $30 for non-members. Registration is required.

FMI, register: www.LAMetroChamber.com.

Danville Junction Grange to meet

AUBURN — Danville Junction Grange will hold its annual open meeting in conjunction with Grange Month at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 13, at 15 Grange St. Dessert will be served at 6 p.m.


A high point of the evening will be a celebration of the 150 years that the Grange has been in existence, touching upon the history of the Grange and what the Grange stands for.

Membership certificates will be awarded to long time members. The Community Citizen Award will be presented to Maine State Trooper Elgin Physic, who won the Maine State Grange Police Officer of the Year Award in October.

Music will be provided by Angelo Giberti. The public is invited to share in this very special evening.

Pine Cone Chapter OES meeting

AUBURN — Pine Cone Chapter 26, Order of the Eastern Star, will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 13, at the Masonic Hall, 1021 Turner St.

The meeting will be preceded with a potluck supper at 6 p.m. All Eastern Star members are welcome.


Workshop on televised candidate forums

NEW GLOUCESTER — The next meeting of New Gloucester’s Cable TV Committee will feature a public workshop on candidate forums for selectmen and state legislative offices that are televised on NGTV community access Channel 3. They are broadcast live and recorded at the Meetinghouse. Citizen input is being sought to evaluate past practices and apply changes, if any, to the protocol of future forums.

The public workshop will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 13, at the Meetinghouse, 389 Intervale Road.

For those who cannot attend the workshop, suggestions and comments may be emailed in advance to ngcabletv@gmail.com.

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