President Barack Obama’s legacy includes:

• Reduced the unemployment rate from more than 9 percent to 4.6 percent;

• Worked diligently to make progress on the environment and climate change;

• Made progress on immigration as exemplified locally with immigrants from six countries at Lewiston High School who won the 2015 state soccer championship. They are good citizens and speak English well;

• Saved the U.S. automobile industry with all loans reimbursed to the U.S. government;

• Responsible for the Affordable Care Act, which enrolled more than 11.3 million people;


• With the assistance of Pope Francis, relationships between Cuba and the USA continue to normalize;

• Osama Bin Laden was apprehended and exterminated;

• Increased the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour;

• Imposed financial sanctions on Russia;

• Legalized marriage for the LGBT community;

• Achieved a diplomatic breakthrough in negotiations with Iran, which was lauded by most of the rest of the world; and


• Sang “Amazing Grace” in a black church to mend and unify the country.

The Obama administration and White House had no scandals and presented the country with a healthy and wholesome family environment.

In contrast to Obama’s legacy, this country seems to be in the throes of a legacy of which most people will not be proud.

President Donald Trump appears to be a narcissistic personality with character-disordered behavior, especially with women, and with gross immaturity.

I do hope that Trump eventually does well and that he will achieve positive accomplishments.

Ronald Melendy, Auburn

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