I am saddened and disheartened after reading the front-page article (“Pain, despair in Somali community,” Jan. 31) about Somali community members who are devastated by President Donald Trump’s despicable travel ban on refugees from seven predominately Muslim countries.

How can people read that article and not empathize with the plight of these residents and refugees? Family and friends from Somalia who have gone through a rigorous screening process, in some cases lasting years, are now told they can’t come see their families in Lewiston.

How can America be known as “the land of the free and the home of the brave” when such a clearly xenophobic, cowardly policy is put in place by President Trump and supported by most of the Republicans in Congress?

All who truly believe that this country stands for freedom, liberty, compassion and the rule of law should join the thousands of Americans who are already speaking out and oppose this unconstitutional ban.

David Tyler, Minot

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