Donald Trump is more prophetic than most people realize. He is similar to Winston Churchill in that regard. He sees a threat that nobody else has the courage to talk about.

Trump sees it with radical Islam; he sees it with the soaring national debt; and he sees it in America’s tinderbox of the inner cities.

He accurately predicted that Brussels was no longer the same community that he knew years ago. The press was picking apart his statement at the very moment Brussels became the epicenter of another round of organized terror and death.

Likewise, Trump predicted the Brexit, while commentators in media and government were stunned.

Media in the post-Cleveland Republican Party conference described Trump’s message as dystopian or dark. However, those who agreed with Trump found the message encouraging, simply because someone was finally telling the truth.

A full 70 percent of Americans say the country is on the wrong track. Trump is much like Churchill — lifting a warning voice about the unravelling of America at a time when the ruling class, buttressed by the media, want to deny there is anything wrong.

In all likelihood, Trump is intuiting what is on the horizon if changes are not made. Like Churchill, the opposition wants to exile him for sounding an alarm in his disturbingly blunt manner.

The media assault on Trump is unprecedented.

Robert Roy, Lewiston

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