It is almost too much to believe — the disrespect and hatred that Democrats are showing to this nation’s new president, Donald Trump.

The Russians did it?

I cannot imagine the outrage had people demonstrated one iota of such angst against President Barack Obama when he was elected.

Democrats are hypocrites. They are hateful, mean, nasty people and have no conscience or even a speck of decency.

And they have lost — big time. They lost the House, they lost the Senate and they lost the presidency. Most of the states now have a Republican governor. Democrats have lost more than a thousand seats country-wide. They evidently haven’t gotten the message yet — they are the losers.

They have been scolded. Americans do not care for socialism. Democrats need to wake up. They have lost all credibility.

Trump has done more for this country as president-elect than Obama did in eight years.

Trump will definitely make this country great again. And, he will drain the swamp.

Mary Jane Newell, Oxford

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