LISBON — The town auditor presented a draft report for 2016 to the Town Council on Tuesday night that showed the town and School Department balance sheets do not agree.

Chris Backman, audit director for RHR Smith & Co. of Buxton, said a final audit report will not be available until the problem is resolved. He suggested that the balance sheets be reconciled monthly for this fiscal year.

The amounts on the balance sheets were not released at the meeting.

School officials and councilmen will meet next week to discuss the matter.

The audit was due to the state Dec. 31; however, the School Department got an extension.

Council Chairman Allan Ward suggested periodic meetings be held with School Superintendent Richard Green, School Committee Chairman Traci Austin, Town Manager Diane Barnes, town Finance Director Lydia Colston and himself.


“I think it would be a good idea to add to our goals for this year to take the recommendation of the auditors and say, ‘Here are what the auditor’s recommendations were and here is what we implemented to address that,’” Councilor Norm Albert said. “Then we can see where we have gone ahead to make adjustments or where we still need to make adjustments.”

In other business, the council:

• Voted 7-0 to authorize Barnes and Colston to submit an application to the Maine Municipal Bond Bank for a $1.5 million bond to pay for paving Bowdoinham Road, Gould Road and Summer Street in Lisbon. The application deadline is Feb. 15, with a decision by March 22;

• Voted 7-0 to accept $6,986.25 as the town’s share of $27,945 received from a drug forfeiture in 2015 when Detective Sgt. William Tapley was part of an investigation that led to seizure of 2,000 grams of heroin;

• Heard from Tracey Steuber, economic and community development director, that the design for the downtown revitalization project will likely be approved in February, with a request to put it out to bid. The goal is to get it done for the Moxie Festival.

“We’re going to have thousands of people come into the community and what better way to showcase the downtown with new sidewalks, new street lights and some green space,” she said.

• Heard the Moxie Festival Planning Committee is accepting logo designs to fit the 2017 theme of “Moxie Salutes the Red, White and Blue,” created by Dawn Hartill of Lewiston and Hilary Emery of Millinocket.

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