As a property owner in Auburn, I find it disturbing to see that Auburn has allowed a medical marijuana business in a mixed residential and commercial zoned area. The medical marijuana business is only 100 yards from my house. There are also two more medical marijuana businesses within two miles of my property.

If Auburn continues to allow medical marijuana businesses or, now, retail shops or marijuana social clubs, it will be opening the door to increased criminal activity and will jeopardize the safety of its most vulnerable citizens — the children, the elderly and those struggling with addiction.

Currently, Auburn’s zoning allows these marijuana growing businesses under its “green house zoning.” On my street, there are only a couple of low profile businesses, but there is also a church, a lot of residential homes and a very large apartment complex.

I believe in taking a long-term view. Allowing marijuana type businesses will have a negative impact on Auburn. The town of Vassalboro has banned all marijuana businesses and marijuana clubs from doing business there. Hopefully, Auburn will do the same thing.

Robert Clark, Auburn

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