Maine’s senior senator joined four Republican colleagues late Monday to hit the brakes on a bid to quickly repeal the Affordable Care Act.

In her amendment to the budget reconciliation measure that includes a provision to repeal Obamacare, U.S. Sen. Susan Collins seeks to extend the bill’s timeline to allow GOP leaders to develop an alternative that would soften the blow for tens of millions of Americans who rely on the health insurance they get through the program.

“In an ideal situation, we would repeal and replace Obamacare simultaneously, but we need to make sure that we have at least a detailed framework that tells the American people what direction we’re headed,” Collins said in a prepared statement.

“Repeal and replacement is a complicated task, and my No. 1 concern is that we not create a gap in coverage for individuals who are currently insured and who rely on that coverage,” she said.

As is, the fast-track budget plan aims to have repeal wording in place by Jan. 27, a week after President-elect Donald Trump takes office.

The amendment sought by Collins would push the deadline back to March 3 to give officials more time and to give the incoming administration a chance to review its options.


“By providing more time to come up with legislative solutions, we have a better opportunity to produce a thoughtful, workable replacement that ensures Americans have access to affordable, diverse insurance plans that meet their needs,” Collins said.

Joining Collins in calling for the delay were U.S. Sens. Bob Corker, R-Tenn.; Rob Portman, R-Ohio; Bill Cassidy, R-La.; and Lisa Murkowski, R-Alaska.

Maine’s other senator, independent Angus King, said he opposes repeal of Obamacare, preferring instead to make it better.

“I would be the first to agree that the law isn’t perfect, but we should prioritize fixing its problems and do so in a responsible way — not move to strip tens of thousands of Mainers of health insurance that could one day save their lives,” King said.

“Putting a campaign promise ahead of people’s well-being is not only reckless, it’s partisan politics at its worst,” he said in a statement blasting the GOP’s rush to repeal the law.

The Center for Budget Policy and Priorities estimates 95,000 people in Maine could lose their insurance if Obamacare is repealed.

Republicans hold 52 of 100 seats in the Senate, so the opposition to fast-tracking repeal could hold sway on the issue. Party leaders have been talking about repealing Obamacare, but delaying its demise for as long as a few years to provide time to come up with something else.

Collins has argued that an alternative should be available before the demise of President Barack Obama’s signature legislation.

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