You know it’s serious when the American Red Cross starts talking about stored food, hand-cranked radios and first-aid kits.

With the latest storm bearing down on the region, the Red Cross on Wednesday afternoon issued warnings.

“Households need to plan as to what they would do if an emergency situation occurred,” said Dave Sheehan, regional disaster program officer for the Red Cross in Maine. “All it takes is three easy steps: get a disaster kit ready; develop an emergency plan and be informed about what possible risks you may face where you live.”

Officially, it’s called Winter Storm Fortis, and the latest projections call for up to 24 inches of snow in some areas, although weather forecasters say some of that could turn to rain.

The storm is expected to arrive on Thursday and continue into Friday with wet snow and gusting winds.

The Lewiston-Auburn area is expected to see as much as eight inches of fresh snow to close out 2016. Areas to the west may see up to two feet during the overnight storm, forecasters said.


“If you’ve ever fumbled to find a flashlight during a blackout,” according to a Red Cross news release, “you know what it feels like to be unprepared.”

The Red Cross suggested all families prepare a kit that includes:

• Three-day supply of nonperishable food and water — one gallon per person, per day for drinking and hygiene purposes;

• Battery-powered or hand-cranked radio (NOAA weather radio, if possible);

• Flashlight and extra batteries;

• First-aid kit, medications and medical items;


• Copies of all important documents (proof of address, deed/lease to home, passports, birth certificates, insurance policies); and

• Extra cash.

The Red Cross also advises planning.

“Talk with household members about what you would do during emergencies,” the news release states. “Plan what to do in case you are separated, and choose two places to meet – one right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency such as a fire, and another outside your neighborhood in case you cannot return home or are asked to evacuate.”

• Choose a contact person from out of the area and make sure all household members have this person’s phone number and email address.

• Tell everyone in the household where emergency information and supplies are kept.


• Practice evacuating your home twice a year. Drive your planned evacuation route and plot alternate routes on a map in case main roads are impassable.

• Don’t forget your pets. If you must evacuate, make arrangements for your animals. Keep a phone list of pet-friendly motels/hotels and animal shelters that are along your evacuation routes.

• Learn first aid and CPR/AED so you have the skills to respond in an emergency before help arrives, especially during a disaster when emergency responders may be delayed. Residents may visit for online and in-class offerings and to register.

A winter storm safety checklist can be downloaded at

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