The alleged Russian hacking of the recent U.S. presidential election definitely needs to be investigated, followed up and confronted in some fashion. But it should be noted that the U.S. subverts elections every four years via the Electoral College.

This year, the “winner,” in fact, did not win a majority of the votes. In fact, he lost by about 2.8 million votes — a clear mandate the other way.

America does not need the Russians or anybody else to ruin democracy and deny the will of the people; however, Americans do have the constitutional ability to take control of the system.

A constitutional amendment would be great, but would require a lengthy process. The easier thing to do would be for Maine to join the compact of states that have agreed to commit their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote.

Republicans should not be swayed by the fact that this time the “victory” went to someone from their own party. Next time, it could easily go the other way.

I call on the Maine Legislature to sign on to the popular vote compact.

Jonathan Cohen, Farmington

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